Laser Therapy

Laser Treatments

What is Fraxel Dual Laser ?

Fraxel Dual is an FDA-approved skin resurfacing laser that improves tone, texture, wrinkles, acne scars, and sun-damaged skin. Fraxel is also effective for treating a common skin condition called actinic keratosis. Fraxel can be performed on the face, neck, chest, hands, arms, legs, and on acne or surgical scars, and stretch marks. Fraxel Dual works by creating microscopic laser columns that penetrate deep into your skin to expedite your body’s remodeling of collagen. Fraxel also resurfaces your skin by stimulating the growth of new, healthy skin cells from the inside out. Most patients need 2-4 treatments.


Prior to your Fraxel treatment, your medical provider will apply a very strong topical numbing cream and administer medications that will help with relaxation and discomfort. The average treatment time is 45-60 minutes. You will need a driver since medications are administered for extra comfort.


After the treatment,  you will experience temporary tenderness, redness, swelling, and flaking that will subside after a few days. Fraxel Dual is designed to give you a younger looking appearance with radiant skin after a single treatment!

Although you will notice results two weeks after your first treatment, the best results are achieved after a series of three treatments.

What is Lumecca (IPL)?

Lumecca is cutting-edge technology and is known as the most powerful IPL on the market. An IPL is intense pulsed light therapy and it is used to reduce the appearance of pigmentation, redness, and broken capillaries.

The light is absorbed by the broken capillaries and pigmented areas and damages them. The body naturally gets rid of the damaged tissue to reveal a beautiful more even complexion.
Lumecca can be used on all areas of the body. The most common areas include: face, neck, chest, arms, legs, and hands.
During the treatment, an ultrasound gel will be applied to the area being treated and there will be a flash of light from the Lumecca. Lumecca feels like a light elastic sensation. The discomfort is so minimal that no anesthetic is needed for this treatment. In just 1-3 sessions, Lumecca improves the appearance of age spots (red/brown pigmentation), vascular lesions such as broken capillaries or spider veins, rosacea, freckles, and sun damage.
After your treatment,  you’ll notice your freckles or sunspots getting darker and coming to the surface. These spots then flake off in 7-10 days, removing the pigment and revealing healthy, glowing skin. For vascular treatments such as broken capillaries, results can be seen in as little as 2 weeks.
Although you will notice results two weeks after your first treatment, the best results are achieved after a series of three treatments.

What is Morpheus8 ( RF Microneedling)?

Morpheus8 is cutting-edge technology that comprises micro-needling with radio frequency for all over skin tightening. The Morpheus8 is a new subdermal adipose remodeling device (SARD) that fractionally remodels and contours the face and body. Penetrating deep into the skin and fat, this morphs the aging face or body into a more desired smooth and sleek appearance. The benefits of Morpheus8’s color blind technology makes it safe on all skin types. The unique properties allow even darker tones to be treated.

Prior to the treatment, a very strong numbing cream is applied to the treatment area for 45-60 mins. The anesthetic is removed, and a handpiece is gently placed on the skin, inserting very small needles into the skin while a pulse of radio frequency is delivered, stimulating collagen and tightening the skin. Common areas include face and neck and it can be used on the body for tightening. Morpheus is also an effective treatment for sweaty armpits, known as hyperhidrosis.
Immediately after the treatment,  you’ll experience some redness that will subside in 24-48 hours. It is important to not wear make up for 24 hours afterward and to keep the skin clean. You will notice results after each treatment. The best results are achieved after a series of three treatments.
Hyperhidrosis is a condition characterized by abnormally excessive sweating that’s not necessarily related to heat or exercise. You may sweat so much that it soaks through your clothes. Morpheus 8 has been clinically shown to reduce and even stop under arm sweating.

What is DiolazeXL (Laser Hair Removal)?

DiolazeXL is an advanced laser hair removal device that safely and gently removes unwanted hair. DiolazeXL has a large treatment handpiece making treatments convenient and fast. It is powerful enough to target and treat even the most stubborn hair. The combination of efficacy, patient comfort, and speed makes DiolazeXL a leader laser hair removal.
During the treatment, a diode laser beam passes through the skin toward the hair follicles. The penetrating energy then heats up the root of the hair, removing the hair follicle and preventing future hair growth. With each treatment, hair is reduced, and the best results are seen after a series of six treatments. The most common treatment areas include bikini, underarms, arms, legs, chest, back, shoulders, stomach, neck, chin, and sideburns.
There is no downtime with this procedure. You can resume normal activities immediately afterwards.

Before and After